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Book manuscripts

Béland, Daniel, Olivier Jacques and Michal Koreh. Financing Social Policy. Contract signed with Cambridge Element in Public Policy, Cambridge University Press.


Jacques, Olivier and Alain Noël (eds). Inequality, Redistribution, and Federalism: A Territorial Approach. Accepted for publication at the series Democracy, Diversity and Citizen Engagement de McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Political economy of austerity



Jacques, Olivier. 2023. “Welfare state regimes, social policy legacies and resistance to austerity.” Social Policy & Administration.


Jacques, Olivier and Éric Bélanger. 2022. "Deficit or Austerity Bias? The Changing Nature of Canadians' Opinion of Fiscal Policies." Canadian journal of Political Science


Jacques, Olivier and Lukas Haffert. 2021. “Paying the Price of Austerity? Fiscal Consolidations Reduce Government Approval.” European Political Science Review. 13(2): 189-207. 


Jacques, Olivier. 2021. “Austerity and the path of least resistance : how fiscal consolidations crowd out long term investments.” Journal of European Public Policy. 28(4): 551-570.


Jacques, Olivier. 2020."Partisan priorities under fiscal constraints in Canadian provinces." Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques


Working papers


Abbott, Christopher, Elizabeth Goodyear Grant, Kyle Hanniman, Olivier Jacques, Scott Matthews. “When Partisanship and Technocratic Credibility Collide : Mass Attitudes and Central Bank Endorsements of Fiscal Policy in Canada and the United States. ” 


Governing for the long-term



Cronert, Axel, Olivier Jacques et Benjamin Ferland. 2023. “Minding the Time Gap: Politicians’ Perspectives on Inter-Temporal Trade-Offs in Policy and Politics.” Journal of European Public Policy


Jacques, Olivier, Emmanuelle Arpin, Mehdi Ammi et Alain Noël. 2023. “The Political and fiscal determinants of public health and curative care expenditures : Evidence from the Canadian Provinces, 1980-2018.” Canadian Journal of Public Health


Jacques, Olivier and Alain Noël. 2022. "The politics of public health investments." Social Science & Medicine


Jacques, Olivier. 2021. “The Electoral Politics of Long-term Investments.”Party Politics


Welfare states, inequality and population health



Jacques, Olivier, Emna Ben Jelili et Emmanuelle Arpin. “Convergences et divergences idéologiques sur les dépenses sociales et de santé.” Accepté à Sociologie et Sociétés


Jacques, Olivier and Alain Noël. 2022. “Welfare State Decommodification and Population Health.” Plos One.​


Jacques, Olivier and Alain Noël. 2021. "Targeting Within Universalism." Journal of European Social Policy. 31(1): 15-29.


Jacques, Olivier and Alain Noël. 2018. "The case for welfare state universalism, or the lasting relevance of the paradox of redistribution" Journal of European Social Policy. 28(1): 70-85


Political economy of Taxation



Jacques, Olivier. 2023. "Explaining willingness to pay: the role of income, education and ideology." Journal of European Social Policy.


Jacques, Olivier. 2020. “Funding the state: taxation in Canada from a comparative politics perspective.” In E. Heaman et D. Tough (eds.) Who Pays for Canada, Taxation and Fairness. McGill Queen’s University Press. 58-89


Working papers


Jacques, Olivier, Tim Vlandas et David Weisstanner. “Economic decline and the political backlash against the welfare state." Working paper available here.


Goubin, Silke, Olivier Jacques, Staffan Kumlin and David Weisstanner. "Something for Nothing in Scandinavia?". Working paper available here.


Olivier Jacques et Antoine Genest Grégoire. “Funding Social Policy in Canada.”



Politics of (Fiscal) Federalism



Chassé, Philippe, Olivier Jacques and Colin Scott. Forthcoming. "Between decentralization and asymmetry: explaining preferences about the division of power in Canada." Publius: The Journal of Federalism.


Jacques, Olivier. 2024. “ Les contraintes politiques et institutionnelles au règlement du déséquilibre fiscal.” Politique et Sociétés 43(2).


Borwein, Sophie, Olivier Jacques, Daniel Béland and André Lecours. 2023. “National standards or subnational autonomy : the politics of fiscal federalism in Canada.” Territory, Politics and Governance.


Jacques, Olivier, Daniel Béland and André Lecours. 2022. "Fiscal Federalism, Social Identity and Place-Based Resentment." Regional Studies.


Jacques, Olivier. 2023. “An imlabanced federation: the unequal distribution of costs pressures, retrenchment capacities and revenue constraints in Canada.” IRPP, Centre d’excellence sur la fédération canadienne.


Canadian politics




Déry, Axel, Olivier Jacques et Shanon Dinan. 2024. “Les préférences des Québécois sur l’intervention de l’État: une exception au Canada?” Canadian Public Policy


Jacques, Olivier et Marion Perrot. 2024 “Who’s to blame for the crisis of the health are system?”. Canadian Public Administration


Béland, Daniel, Dinan, Shannon, Jacques, Olivier et Patrick Marier. 2023. “The « Right » and the Welfare State: The Case of the Coalition Avenir Québec Government.” Canadian Journal of Political Science


Éric Bélanger et Olivier Jacques. 2023. “Federal Government Approval in Canada: Economics, Politics, and Fiscal Policy in Changing Times.” In Tim Hellwig et Matt Singer Economics and Politics Revisited: Executive Approval and the New Calculus of Support. Oxford University Press


Bertrand, Yan, Jacques, Olivier et Antonia Maioni. 2022. “Bilan des promesses du gouvernement Legault en santé : de réformes à blocages.” Dans Lisa Maureen Birch, Yanick Dufresne et Dominic Duval (dir.) Bilan du gouvernement de la CAQ : entre nationalisme et pandémie. Presses de l’Université Laval. À paraitre.


Béland, Daniel, Dinan, Shannon, Jacques, Olivier et Patrick Marier. 2022. “La protection sociale à travers le parcours de vie.” Dans L.M. Birch, Y. Dufresne et D. Duval (dir.) Bilan du gouvernement de la CAQ : entre nationalisme et pandémie. Presses de l’Université Laval. À paraitre.


Jacques, Olivier and Benjamin Ferland. 2021. “Political discretion in infrastructure spending in Canada”. Canadian Journal of Political science. 54(1): 96-117.


Arsenault, Gabriel, Olivier Jacques and Antonia Maioni. 2018. “Services de garde subventionnés: pourquoi le Québec continue-t-il de faire cavalier seul.” Institute for Research in Public Policy study. Study no 67.


Zorn, Nicolas, and Olivier Jacques. 2017. “Under the Rising Wave. How Disaggregated Revenue Sources Can Tell Another Story for Québec’s Top Income Share.” Journal of Income Distribution. 25 (1). 1-25



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